Sunday 29 November 2020

The Listening Club - 29th November 2020

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing well and keeping safe. Nearly advent calendar time already? Blimey. Must say, the last couple of weeks seem to have sailed by rather peacefully - it's amazing how much quieter things are without a certain orange blowhard upsetting the applecart on a daily basis (notwithstanding the occasional Giuliani Comedy Moment). Also, full disclosure, now having the T-word filtered out on social media also really makes a difference, my mental health highly recommends it...

Last Sunday in the land of #LC, @brainspiritus was in the chair, getting bluesy with their pick of Larry Garner's 2008 album "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow", which got everyone honking along in a fine way. Thanks to them for the pick, and for saling the frisb across the sea to @wojsvenwoj who's here with tonight's intro...

"If I remember correctly, I had one of the first - if not the first - pick after the 2016 Presidential election. My selection that Sunday was fueled by pretty much one emotion, anger about what my country had just done. 

Four years later, this election and its afters have at least superficially remedied that error and I find myself feeling a wider range of emotions: concern, trepidation, disgust, elation, relief, hope (yes, a little), and so forth. Thinking it would be a nice symmetry, I wanted this week's pick to be an album that captured that complex mixture so I queued up several records that, for me, have great emotional depth and poignancy. After careful consideration and listening to each of them, none of them seemed quite right for the moment.

So, I spun that compass around 180 degrees and here's something from the other end of the spectrum. It's a catchy, infectious, industrial-strength (and industrial-esque) chunk of saccharin that I unabashedly love. It ain't high art but it is fun, if dark. And if you don't like it, it's only 32 minutes long!"

Okaydoke. Download's here, stream's below:

See you at 8pm GMT.

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