Sunday 9 April 2023

The Listening Club - 9th April 2023

Greetings, and Happy Easter, or Chocolate Jesus Day, or whatever else you celebrate at this time of year.

I'm tapping this out early as I'm off on a day trip with the family. There's train problems here in the NL unfortunately, so I'm hoping I make it back in time, but if I don't, and there's no links below, please go to the Mastodon channel to find everything you'll need for tonight, ok?

Last Sunday we had @corin_ja in the chair dealing up a slice of widescreen twang in the shape of The The's "Dusk" from 1992, which got the assembled swinging satisfactorily. Thanks to Corin for the pick, and for sailing the frisb across South London to @ogili, who has their pick info and blurb online, so head to our Mastodon channel for the info...


Hey there listening chums, bit of a cock-up on the music front it seems; I've just had this through in an unexpected email and I'm uploading it to the places as I type. Anyway, here's Oli to explain himself:

"Well, this pick was difficult. I’m writing this just 3 hours before the LC hour. I had it nailed on, before a last minute, wait it’s actually Easter Sunday, should I pick something related to that? Thanks Jesus. 

"Anyhoo. I went with this. Hugely innovative and influential band. 2 members of which died relatively recently. I know that a large chunk of LCers will recognise who it is within minutes. But I’m amazed that this band hasn’t been picked before. 

"I couldn’t decide between two albums, so as they were quite short, I’ve stuck ‘em together. 

"Drink? Something futuristic, served by robots, or late 70s arcade game sprites."

Scuba dooper. And as if by magic, here's the download, and an impressively quickly generated embed is just down there.


And hope to see you at 20:00 BST (GMT+1) for playback!

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