Sunday 16 April 2023

The Listening Club - 16th April 2023

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing good. Busy week here in Amsterdam, as it's the annual Minimal Music Festival, which normally throws up at least one excellent must-see concert, but this year has outdone itself, so we've been lapping up Steve Reich's "Reich/Richter" (truly awesome), Ryoji Ikeda's "100 Cymbals" (visually fascinating if musically a bit thin), Bitchin Bajas (quirky and hypnotizing in equal measures), finishing off in a few hours with a concert from a group led by Oren Ambarchi. So as you'd expect, I'm in a pretty happy place right now... and will be even happier if I make it back in time for #LC tonight.

Speaking of which, thanks to @JimMcCauley for stepping in and flipping some links last Sunday to support @ogili's pick of the first two albums from Yellow Magic Orchestra (that's "Yellow Magic Orchestra" from 1978 and "Solid State Survivor" from 1979), which seemed to go down a treat. Thanks to Olli for the pick, and for sailing the frisb across the Atlantic to @iamwahl, who's here with tonight's introduction...

"I first heard this album a couple years back after finding it as a “Promo copy, not for resale” vinyl LP, in one of the thrift stores I occasionally check in at when I’m staying on the Sunshine Coast, usually hoping (at best) to add a new (used) Hawaiian shirt or unique drinking vessel or dish to my cupboards. Records of note are rare these days in these shops—although I did find a couple T-Rex albums in this store a few more years back as well (but I digress). It was in surprisingly good condition, given that most of the vinyl in these haunts have generally spent years of neglect (if not downright abuse). I was completely unfamiliar with the artist, and it was only after getting the record home and doing some research that I discovered I would have heard their voice on several records already in my collection. From the first track I was delighted that I stumbled on, and hadn’t passed on picking up, this surprising record. I recognized many of the songs, by some of my favourite song writers or performers, but I’d never heard them like this. The production is of the era, so the fi is not exactly hi (when compared to most current sonic offerings), but without question it was the best $1.00 I spent that day…!

My previous pick for #ListeningClub was released in this, our most recent decade, so this time I thought I’d invite you to join me for a ride on the wayback machine. And now, here we are; settle in, pour a whiskey—neat (or whatever beverage makes you feel a bit of a rebel, frees your rugged individual spirit, or turns you into a full-on rock’n’roller), TurnItUp, feel free to play your air-guitars, and listen to a unique and remarkable debut album…"

Right then, download's here, stream's below...

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1) tonight.

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