Sunday 25 October 2020

The Listening Club - 25th October 2020

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing okay. Still looking for the light at the end of the tunnel here in Amsterdam, but it seems quite a way off - infection numbers are still rising and the govt really seem to be fumbling it terribly. Meanwhile I (and probably most of you) remain glued to what's happening in the US, and hoping that enough folks over there see sense and don't inflict four more years of orange-faced hell on us all... 

Last week in the #LC sanctuary, @unmannedfuture was in the chair, getting all slanted and enchanting the assembled with her pick of Pavement's "Brighten The Corners". Thanks extended for the selection, and for sailing the frisb over to @samquitter who's here with tonight's intro...

"It's another trip down memory lane for me this week - this is an album I was given a vinyl copy of on my 9th birthday and the artist was my absolute number one poster-on-the-wall musical hero at the time. He seemed mysterious, glamorous and futuristic to my young self and perhaps tied in with my sci-fi obsession a little. 

Then when I became a teenager I felt embarrassed about having been a fan, being by now a very mature person with very serious musical taste and generally way too cool for this sort of thing. It didn't help that the artist was clearly a bit of a plonker (actually a lot of a plonker) and - even worse - a proud Tory. 

I had not heard the album (with the obvious exception of the hit track) for almost 40 years when I noticed this summer that my son (who is now 15 and literally down with the kids) had been listening to it on my Spotify account. (This is also how I discover new music these days.) I gave it a spin and was pleasantly surprised, finding some of the music and instrumentation to be both pleasing and amusing. At the traditional and merciful album length of just over 40 minutes it just felt rude not to pick it. Hope you enjoy!"

Okaydoke. Direct download is here, and the stream's below:


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