Sunday 11 October 2020

The Listening Club - 11th October 2020

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing okay and keeping safe. What's to say? Here, the weather's getting shitter and infection numbers are still going up (second highest in Europe atm, sigh), elsewhere there's a no-deal Brexit looming bigger every week and over the pond, the orange lunatic gets worse by the day. At least we have a good soundtrack. Yes, it has been one of those weeks, how could you tell?

Last Sunday on the #LC oasis, @xpollen8 was in the chair, condensing the works of Judee Sill into a sweet half hour that did a fine job in calming and beguiling the assembled. Many thanks to him for the pick, and for richocheting the frisbee across to London, where @simonlandmine looks at it, smiles and writes the following...

"This is an artist whose voice some of you may recognise. Those who recognise the voice will probably do so almost immediately, and will also probably recognise the approach to writing lyrics, which came to the fore in the band they were previously associated with. After that act broke up for the last time, they continued along the furrow that they used to plough.

I saw them live in that former identity quite a few times, and have also seen them live in this newer incarnation a couple of times, both with a full band and as a solo performer.

I would say that this album is short but sweet but, frankly, sweetness is more a trait of their melodies than their lyrics, which have always tended more towards the sharp.

Drinking club: Why are you asking me? It's not like I drink at all often. With the previous band maybe a tin of Red Stripe nicked from the rider, some Johnnie Walker, or even some Galloway's Sore Throat Expectorant, although these days I suspect a bottle of red is more the style."

Right then. Direct download is here, stream's below:

See you 8pm BST (GMT+1)

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