Sunday 21 June 2020

The Listening Club - 21st June 2020

Greetings and Happy Summer Solstice to you all.

Yeah, well, usually for me, this time of year (if the ticket faries have been nice) is all about checking weather forecasts, clashfinding lineups and buying tent pegs, but this year? Well, at least it's half over now, eh?

Last week @brainspiritus was in the chair, funking up a storm with their timely pick of Brother Ali's 2012 album "Mourning In America And Dreaming in Color" (give or take a track), which went down a treat with the assembled. Thanks to them for the selection, and for sailing the frisb across to London, where @SimonLandmine has this to say by way of introduction to tonight's pick...

"And here we are again, with another pick from me. Somewhat different from my last selection. This one actually includes guitars. As well as a range of other instruments.

Listening again to the opening bars, I realised that there are two albums that it might resolve into from that point (and the other option was indeed also on my list of possible choices), but the Shrödinger situation should be answered a little further in. I won't say too much more about this one, as the more I say, the greater the chance of my just blurting out what it is, but there are some elements of current circumstances that reminded me of it. It's a favourite of mine for a couple of reasons, and contains several tracks I really enjoy, and I couldn't keep pushing it down my selection list any longer. Hopefully, those of you who recognise it do so because you like it, and hopefully at least some of you who didn't know it will also like it.

(And look on the bright side - I could have picked "The Nail File - The Best of Jimmy Nail" (and yes, that is what it's called), because for some reason I'm not entirely clear on, I appear to own that too -
although I've not gone so far as to rip it.)

#DrinkingClub - Something to toast an event with."

Direct download is here, and the stream's below:

See you tonight at 8pm BST (GMT+1).

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