Sunday 15 September 2024

The Listening Club - 15th September 2024

Salutations folks,

Hope you're all doing fine. Been a grotty week here in Amsterdam as a nasty northerly wind has swept autumnal vibes onto us with a vengeance. That said, the sun's peeking out and it's a mild afternoon, so let's get this tapped out so I can go make the most of it...

Last Sunday we had @woj in the chair, delivering something new from old with his pick of Wanda Jackson's "This Party Ain't Over" produced by Jack White in 2009, which got the assembled jivin' and swingin' as you'd expect. Thanks to Woj for the pick and for sailing the frisb over to @corin_ja who is here with tonight's intro...

"I think my taste in music could be roughly divided between very popular, top-of-the-charts acts of the 1970s and 80s and somewhat obscure, meditative, downtempo things that have niche appeal. In making a selection for Listening Club I am usually torn between these two poles, anyhow. Do I pick something that everyone probably knows, hoping it'll be a fun experience if most people like or at least are aware of the record in question?

Or do I take a risk with something that probably fewer people will know but that might not work at all, some people might even flee, screaming in horror?

I'll let you decide which option I have gone for this week, and we shall see what happens.

suggestion is a Negroni for this one, but don't read too much into that."

Right then. Download's here, stream's below:

See you at 20:00 BST (GMT+1) tonight.

Sunday 8 September 2024

The Listening Club - 8th September 2024

Salutations folks,

Hope you're all doing good. Summer still hanging on here in Amsterdam, although the forthcoming week sees wet and grey heading our way, which is annoying. Still, the cultural season continues in full force, and Cornelius (and group) played an absolute blinder on Tuesday, so there's not much to complain about, apart from my inability to grasp responsive css and drag my website into the 21st century, but hey, at least I'm finally trying... ;-)

Anyhoo, last Sunday it was me, @kleptones, in the chair, trying to surprise as best I could with my pick of Spurv's 2003 album "Brefj​æ​re" which rocked and folked in plenty of epic directions. Following that, all that remained was to flip the frisb across to @woj, who is right here with tonight's intro...

"As usual, I had several ideas rattling around in my head for this week's Listening Club and was spiralling in on one of them to select but then I had an opportunity to see a film called "Rock Chicks...I Am Not Female To You" this past week and my plans were revised. With a title like that, it's pretty obvious that this pick is by a woman so gendered pronouns it is!. Today's pick was not in the film herself but is still a central figure as a good portion of the film features her former guitarist. While I knew this woman and some of her songs, I realized I wasn't as versed in her long carer as I should have been so di a little reading, did a little listening, and ended up picking this record to grace our earballs today. It's one of her comeback records, to an extent, and has a famous producer but that's not why i selected it. I mostly selected it because it's one of her longer records...and still under 40 minutes long! Anyway, hope you enjoy it!"

Right then, download's here, stream's below:

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1) while stocks last!

Sunday 1 September 2024

The Listening Club - 1st September 2024

Greetings folks, pinch and a punch and all that.

Hope all is good for you all. Alas, September est arrivé, along with the end of the summer holidays, although the 28 degrees celsius I feel and the skate park block party round the corner that we will soon be attending are both begging to differ. It's been a fun week or two, as the remains of the summer and the start of the Dutch "cultural season" collide, providing opportunities to see odd bits of classical and jazz being performed for free around the city, which is really very nice indeed. Add meeting up with a few old friends here and there for food, drink and fine conversation, and well, what more could you ask for? Oh yeah, Cornelius is playing the Paradiso on Tuesday. So yes, I'm in musn't grumble mode right now, for sure.

Last Sunday, as befits the last of the month, saw us in #vortex mode, this time a #OneLastTuneVortex, which as predicted was quite evenly split between mellow finishes and balls-to-the-wall moments, with only one or two crowd-clearers in attedance. Thanks to everyone for chipping in tunes, and the mighty @Saucer for the tough job of stitching it all together!

Looking back to our regular program, we find it's me, @kleptones, that has the frisb, so let's get italic for tonight's intro...

"Right then. 

Around the turn of the year, if I have time, I bookmark a few "best of year" music lists, particularly for genres of music that's I'm not particularly au fait with or a fan of, just to have a listen to what is considered new and great, on the off chance that something will catch my ear. Most of it gets binned after 20-30 seconds of listening, but occasionally something slips through and makes its way into the permanent collection.

Here's one that slipped through from last year's lists. It's epic, It's Scandinavian and that's probably nuff said for now. Looking forward to seeing what you think...."

Okidoke. Download's here, stream's below:

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1) tonight.