Sunday 9 June 2024

The Listening Club - 9th June 2024

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing well and good. Maybe a little better than me, who managed to return from the UK (aka Plague Island) with a fine sinus / throat infection that's left me coughing and sputtering for most of the week. So it goes. Hoping it clears up soon, as I'm busy getting myself ready for Glastonbury - yes it's that time of year again, so if anyone out there feels like taking care of business here on Sun 30th please let me know! - as always with Glastonbury it's a vortex Sunday too, and customarily a #SummerVortex comprising of live performances, but it may change this year, it's up to y'all... 

Last Sunday saw @Vinomadic continue his pilgramage through late '67 with his pick of The Jimi Hendrix Experience's "Axis: Bold As Love", which got the assembled grooving and a wowing as only that man can. Thanks extended for the pick, and for sailing the frisb across to @JimMcCauley, who wasn't available for an intro, but forwarded this email by way of explanation...

"Dear Joe,

I understand from Andrea in the office that you are in America at the moment and might be away for a while but I'm sending this anyway while thoughts are fresh. I hope you will afford it the courtesy of your attention when you return.

I've been giving some consideration to what I should do next.

Not exactly agonising but thinking very carefully about how I present myself on the next record, assuming there is to be one! [...] I think I might step away from my own compositions for a while and attempt an LP of other people's endeavours. [...] And while interpretation of other people's songs might not appear to be my forte I thought it might be fun to spend some time working on fresh arrangements for the songs I have come up with so far. (See list below.) When you return from America perhaps you can tell me if this a good idea or merely a frivolous one. It might be just a passing impulse, I don't know, but perhaps something impulsive might be just what I need just now. [...] I would love to hear your thoughts. Be as honest as you wish.

The songs I’ve come up with so far are as follows:"

Well then. Download's here, stream's below:

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1)

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