Sunday 19 May 2024

The Listening Club - 19th May 2024

Hola, folks

Hope you're all doing good. Summer seems to have arrived well and truly and maybe a bit earlier than expected here in Amsterdam, which is very pleasant indeed (hope it lasts!), although lacking a certain something as @nessiest is away for the week somewhere even warmer for a bit of peace, tranquility and yoga, therefore I should apparently be sat in my smalls eating beans from the tin (there's a mental image for y'all), but sadly it's not true - I've ordered pizza! (also have correct amount of clothes on, sorry to disappoint)

Genial reminder that next week is last-Sunday-of-the-month, which means #vortex time, so get your suggestions ready for later tonight, ok?

Last Sunday saw @iamwahl rocking the assembled hard with his pick of Joe Satriani's "The Extremist", which got everyone reaching for their air-six-strings and more besides, yikes. Thanks extended for the selection, and for sailing the frisb across to @akx, who's here with tonight's intro...

"It looks like summer is finally happening in Finland with clear weather and 20+ Celsius all week! That also means there's been lots of drinking beer and rosé and cocktails interwoven with hedge trimmingand other garden work, of course... Took a bit of hmming and meh'ing and "nah, not that"ing in front of the album shelf to finally spot this one that suits the weather and mood, and I'm frankly surprised these Norwegians (who I've seen live back in the day, being the opening act for Moby) have, according to the #listeningclub records, only shown up twice, and only in vortices..."

Right then, download's here (right click - save as) and stream's below:

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1) tonight.

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