Sunday 12 May 2024

The Listening Club - 12th May 2024

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing good. A lovely sunny warm weekend in Amsterdam, therefore much genial wandering around, indulging in one of the annual food truck festivals and also of course, some prime stoop stitting. All of which makes one feel a little better following the shocking news of Steve Albini's passing. Not much to say that hasn't already been said, but this one really hurts - Steve attitude towards art and commerce, and his ability to continue to learn and grow throughout his life yet compromise as little as possible was a massive positive example to legions of folks, myself included. Regardless of that, the thought that I'm never going to see him on stage again beating up his aluminium guitar and grinning like a madman makes me so very sad. World's really gonna miss him.

Last Sunday we had @david in the chair, hitting a range of buttons with his pick of  a live performance of "BRAT" by NNAMDI at Lincoln Hall in Chicago, which certainly got the assembled pondering and apporeciating in equal measures. Thanks to David for the pick, and for flipping the frisb across to @iamwahl, who's here with tonight's intro...

"As I continue my journey of discovering what other folks already know, this is another album (and artist) I came to after the fact. It's not something I turn to often but when it's what I want, it's EXACTLY what I want. I originally had something very different all cued up for my submission this time (again!). So this wasn't my first, or even second, pick for this week's show. However, as I listened my way through my short list, this kept nudging me, saying, they won't see this coming. And everyone likes surprises, right...right?'re probably going to want to turn it up to 11 (so position yourself accordingly)!

For #DrinkingClub, I'm going to try and find a few hoppy beer (not an easy task in small-town Italy), but I think any of  your favourite bevies will go down nicely with this...just don't let the music tempt you to overdo it..."

Right then. Download's here, stream's below:

See you at 20:00 BST (GMT+1) Tonight.

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