Sunday 26 September 2021

The Listening Club - 26th September 2021

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing okay. Still warm here in Amsterdam, but the clouds are decending more and more, and the temps are set to drop next week, so we reluctantly get ready to bid goodbye to Summer 2021, not really the one we were all hoping for, but, for me anyway, any summer is better than no summer, so there's that. Now hoping for a half-decent Autumn gig season, fingers crossed...

Last Sunday we had @ohmyliver in the chair, dealing a dose of dread in the shape of The Bug's "Fire", which certainly lived up to its name. Thanks to Oli for the pick, and for sailing the frisb over to @emmaprice, who has a bit longer to consider their options, because, yep, it's vortex time. And this time, we have a "Songs to or about anyone other than Maggie May Vortex" (long story, don't ask). @Saucer has been hard at work extracting and assembling the tunes, and here's what he has to say...

"Always a huge honor to be trusted to do something legal with your musical picks. Thank you.

I often go for intersong flow but this time around found myself embracing a hairpin-turn aesthetic. To be honest, with a vortex, sometimes the hairpin-turn aesthetic embraces you. It was massive fun to put together and I hope it's fun to listen to."

Right then. Download's here, stream's below.

See you 8pm BST (GMT+1)

1 comment:

  1. Songs to or about Anyone Other than Maggie Mae
    Date: 2021-09-26

    01. Richard and Linda Thompson - The Great Valerio (@zensolo)
    02. Elf Kid - Golden Boy (@ohmyliver)
    03. Frost - Duo (@akx)
    04. Bonnie and Clyde - Serge Gainsbourg/Brigitte Bardot (@saucer)
    05. Tunic (Song for Karen) - Sonic Youth (@holette)
    06. Lauren Caught My Eye - The Crash (@akx)
    07. Maggie's Last Party - V.I.M. (@ohmyliver)
    08. Barbara Streisand - Duck Sauce (@aluna)
    09. Hey Joe - The Golden Cups (@kleptones)
    10. Uncle John - Pearls Before Swine (@saucer)
    11. Amelia - Joni Mitchell (@holette)
    12. Sea Song - Robert Wyatt (@kleptones)
    13. Sophie - Goodshirt (@nessiest)
    14. Suzanne - Geoffrey Oryema (@iamwahl)
    15. Rose Darling - Steely Dan (@zensolo)
    16. Not Given Lightly - Chris Knox (@nessiest)
    17. Mark Bowen - Faith No More (@jimmcauley)
    18. Ilaria - Gothzilla (@simonlandmine)
    19. Charlie - The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing (@simonlandmine)
    20. Ernie, The Fastest Milkman in the West - Bennie Hill (@jimmccauley)
    21. Lydia, The Tatooed Lady - Kermit (@kleptones)
    22. So Long Marianne - James (@iamwahl)
