Sunday 8 August 2021

The Listening Club - 8th August 2021

Happy International Cat Day! @kleptones is off on his hols, so you're stuck with me, @JimMcCauley, for a bit. Daisy cat is currently tucked up in her favourite blanket-lined Amazon box, having worn herself out this morning running around in the rain, so she's completely missing out on a surprisingly sunny afternoon. Meanwhile Marmalade is happily curled up on the spare bed, where he'll likely stay until teatime.

So then, last week @brainspiritus promised us a novelty album and instead delivered a Bootsy deep cut in the form of Zillatron's Lord of the Harvest, which I think we can all agree was a well cosmic groove. So thanks to @brainspiritus for the pick, and for passing the cosmic baton to @wojsvenwoj, who's taken a few minutes out of his busy International Cat Day schedule to say this: 

"Back in the 1990s, when I had more time and record stores were still a thing, I had a weekly ritual of hitting all the local record stores and combing through through their used and cut-out bins. At the time, I lived in northern New Jersey and would trawl through the rows and rows of used CDs (vinyl had seemingly breathed its last plasticine breath) in stores like Scotti's and Alwilk's and all the others I can't remember the name of looking for treasure. 

"Sometimes I would find promotional singles or advance releases by bands I collected or followed. Sometimes I would find albums I'd heard of that I wanted but didn't want to pay full price for. And sometimes I'd find a record by a band that I'd never heard of that had an interesting cover or interesting liner notes or an interesting name. Today's pick had all three...and it turned out to be a pretty good album too!" 

Well there you go. Download's here, and the stream's down there:

See you at 8pm! BST! (GMT+1!)

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