Sunday 14 February 2021

The Listening Club - 14th February 2021

Greetings folks. Shit, is that the time already? Amazing how fast the day goes sometimes, especially in the middle of a lockdown, with a curfew, in a house surrounded by super slippery ice. Not that any of that has fazed the Dutch, who have been skating up and down the thin iced canals happily, bless 'em.

Last Sunday, chez #LC, @emmaprice was in the chair, with a dose of The Avalanches newie, "We Will Always Love You", which seemed to go down pretty good. Thanks to Emma for the pick, and for sailing the frisb over to @doctorx34 for their debut pick, and here's their intro...

"How do take your Rock Vicar? Prog, Heavy with Metal, Nu Metal, Cock, with a bit of Roll, how about with a bit of Pop, a smidgen of Grunge, or maybe throw in some Art, what about a dollop of the mighty Krautrock, we also have some Glam or could we interest you in some Math Rock?

In the end Rock is just Rock, in whatever guise it comes in right?...or is it? Just when you think a genre cannae be pushed, pulled, tweaked or evolved beyond its perceived limits some pesky upstart humans come along and laugh in your face and go where you could not think possible. 

Rock made in Protools? NO! I hear u cry but hell yeah! Brimming with a myriad of ideas it pushes at the boundaries and beyond. And one of the things that I love about this album is that sometimes when I listen to it I don't even know if I like it - but I am glad that it exists...and ain't that something...xx "

Okaydoke. Download's here, and the stream's below:

See you 8pm GMT.

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