Sunday 23 July 2023

The Listening Club - 23rd July 2023

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing good. Soggy week here in Amsterdam and another forecasted for next week, seems like this part of Europe has got all the rain that the southern countries are lacking right now, which is a shame on both sides - a little more heat and a little less moisture would be welcome here, but the weather gods never listen. Still, as long as there's the occasional stooping moment, all is not bereft, at least inbetween continuing to kick my old server around (some success now thanks to Ubuntu, as all flavours of Windows have refused it, since you ask). 

Also, don't forget it's #vortex time next week, so get ready to pitch your theme ideas tonight, we need 'em!

Last Sunday, hey, it was me, @kleptones, getting you all to have a seasonal bop with my pick of Underground System's 2018 debut album "What Are You", which got the assembled grooving in a satisfactory way, as far as I could see. Thanks also to @saucer for grabbing the frisb, here he is with tonight's intro...

"Tonight it's a short album, and appropriately so given its original target audience. You'll figure that out in the first few seconds.

Was a bit unusual the way this treasure came in over the transom. A while ago, while scouring all sources for songs to submit to some vortex or another, I stumbled on a quirky EP of moralistic children's hymns from 1720, set to original music. Great EP, but nothing from it has made its way to LC yet, and tonight's pick is not it.  

But... alongside the super dark half-originals on that EP was one cover song that very much intrigued me. Tonight's pick is the (short) album that contains the original of that cover. 

All clear?

So, last week when @kleptones tossed the frisbee to Colorado, @iamwhal suggested I "dig deep" for my pick. I hope tonight's selection fulfills the wish!

Snacking club suggestion: Matcha tea white chocolate covered almonds."

Right then, download's here, and stream's below:

See you 20:00 BST (GMT+1) tonight.

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