Sunday 11 July 2021

The Listening Club - 11th July 2021

Greetings folks,

Hope you're all doing okay. Mixed weather and vibes here in Amsterdam this weekend. On the one hand, really happy that we got out last weekend and safely enjoyed a stack of fine performances at the Minimal Music Festival and the Roots Festival. Sadly, the safe approach that these events took doesn't seem to have been applied to many places elsewhere in the city, and so Amsterdam is now reporting the highest daily infection figures the city has ever reported (seriously, from 50 new cases a day ten days ago, to 1350 today), which is a huge fucker, really. So now all the clubs are shut again, festivals cancelled, and the government is trying to figure out what went wrong (not hard to figure out, admittedly) and how to fix it (much harder to figure out, sadly).... Le sigh.

Last Sunday, while I was out bopping to Bab L'Bluz in light drizzle, @zbendr was in full control of the #LC stereo, hitting a high ball in the shape of Supertramp's "Breakfast In America", which got the assembled harmonizing satisfactorily, so it seemed. Thanks to Ben for the vintage vinyl, and for sailing the frisb way over to @faberfedor, who's here with tonight's intro...

"Like everything else this year, this is odd: I had pre-selected a stack of CDs for my next #listeningclub round. The stack sat behind me on the filing cabinet. The idea was to simply turn around at my desk, pick up a CD and send it in.

Of course, when my turn rolls around, the stack is nowhere to be found. This is why you don't clean your flat!! I lose something every year I do that.

Fortunately, I've had this CD in my rear-pocket for a couple years now...

Many moons ago, I moved to $NEW_TOWN and fortuantely, there was a record store around the corner (I'll explain "record store" to you young-uns someday). I'm standing in line to buy $CD when I hear this band playing over the store speakers. When I asked who it was, they said "This is $BAND, the best kept secret of the West Coast." I'm not going to argue with them.

Not my usual cuppa' but an entertaining album nonetheless. So for those not watching that mis-named ball game, this should keep you a bit etertained this afternoon.

Now where the hell is that stack..."

Right then. Download is here, stream's below.

See you at 8pm BST (GMT+1)

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