Sunday 13 December 2020

The Listening Club - 13th December 2020

Greetings folks,

Hope you & yours are doing okay. Grey and wet as per usual in Amsterdam, with the infection numbers spiking up again following last week's Sinterklaas celebration (who'd have thought it, eh?). People really don't seem to care much any more about staying locked down, I guess they're all going "hey, we got a vaccine coming, it doesn't matter any more", but that really doesn't help everyone that's going to get sick in the meantime. Kinda weird that the more normal and regular folks insist on carrying on like nothings wrong, refusing to make even the smallest changes to their regular habits, whereas folks that live (or have lived) more on the cultural and societal edges understand the signs better and know instincivly when it's time to hunker down and wait it out. Or that's how it seems from here anyway... 

Worth noting that we're coming up to the end of the year, which, of course means #festivevortex - looking at the calendar, we could do it on the 27th December, or if too many folks are busy, we can leave it until after the new year (3rd January) - I'll stick a poll up on twitter tonight to see, but either way, as usual, I need a couple of your favourite new tunes released during 2020, if you have 'em, to blend into a fine vortex mix, so get thinking, and mail 'em in!

Last Sunday in #LC-Land, @faberfedor was in the chair, sending us back to more halcyon days with his pick of Genesis' "A Trick Of The Tail", which charmed and baffled the assembled in equal measures, as would probably be expected. Thanks to Sir Faber for the pick, and for sailing the frisb back over here to Me, @kleptones, so...

"Not much I can say about this album that won't give it away (although if you know the artist you'll recognise their voice immediately). It's definitely a "me" kind of record, as it's a re-interpretation of an existing work of one of my all-time favourites, someone who really understood what was going on around them, socially and politically, and suffered both the euphoric joys and mental anguish that such knowledge and awareness can bring. Having said that, this is a far more personal piece than some of their more well-known stuff, but no less powerful for it.

Taking on even a small slice of this artist's legacy is a tall order, but the musicians involved have done a beautiful job, and to anyone hearing this person for the first time and enjoying it, I'd suggest digging into their large and varied back catalogue. There's a lot of awesome music & words there, and this is a fine addition to their legacy.

(Oh, and it's another short one, only 37 minutes - wish it was longer!)

Hope you enjoy."

Download's here, and the stream's below:

See you at 8pm GMT.

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