Sunday 22 July 2018

The Listening Club - 22nd July 2018

Greetings folks,

Hope all is going well and good for you. This is definitely one of those times of the year where my intros kinda get a bit repetitive, or more repetitive that usual. Hot, sunny, blah blah blah. Not complaining though, even though it's hard to think past a certain level without an ice lolly first. Hottest summer since '76 so they say, which means if they get a refuse collection strike in the UK, it could be punk rock all over again. Which, given the current state of play over there, would probably not be a bad thing at all...

Last week, under the #LC gazebo, @Har_Shone was in the picnic chair, delivering, funnily enough, some cracking English Punk Rock, courtesy of Idles debut album "Brutalism", which shook the foundations of the assembled most satisfactorily. Thanks to Harriet for the pick, and for sailing the frisb across to the returning @thejayarr, who's right here with tonight's intro...

"I don't know if this band will be familiar to the Club. In certain circles they seem to have a die-hard following, but I'd never heard of them before a catching a snippet of one of this record's tracks on a podcast a few months ago. It was enough to make me listen to the rest and I think I was about two-thirds of the way through before deciding this was the best album of the year. Some twenty-odd plays later, that opinion hasn't changed.

The best art comes from honesty, and this is some of the most honest music I've ever heard. 

It is a bit long, though. Just putting that out there now."

Okaydoke. Direct download is here, and the HearMayBeSpoilers stream is below...

See you at 8pm BST (GMT+1)...

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