Sunday 14 May 2017

The Listening Club - 14th May 2017

Hey there folks,

Hope you're all doing fine. Amsterdam has a case of the late April showers and (equally late) blossom "snow" clogging the streets and causing many sneezes, but inbetween those there's fun to be had as usual. Meanwhile the rest of Europe reels from the shock of Eurovision being won by a regular-looking guy standing still on a stage singing a nice song in his own language. No shooting flames, no dancing violinists, no gorillas. Whatever is the world coming to, eh?

Last week chez #LC, @101retstum was in the chair, stoking the 90s revival flames with his pick of Chumbawamba's "Swingin' With Raymond", which sent some toes tapping and others reaching for the earplugs. The kind of reaction I'm sure the band would approve of. Thanks to Gareth for the pick, and for flipping the frisb across to @RougeForever, who's here, now, yes, with this week's introduction...

"It's been a great weekend for international music and for international music lovers.  Fantastic to see how Eurovision brings us all together, absolutely unified around one key idea... the wrong song won.

This album, from 2004 (just the 13 years ago then?) contains much of the best of the European ideal - multi-lingualism, multi-culturalism and of course, a sousaphone.  There are no borders here, just beautiful music which scales the peaks of joy and plumbs the depths of despair in just under an hour.

Many of you will have heard these songs before.   A couple of years after release some of them were used on one of those cool indie films that people love as much for the score and soundtrack as the film itself.  And the title track has been used in one of those big console games.  So yeah, it's not just me that likes this. 

We saw this band play this live - and they were amazing.  This gig also featured the best shout of support from the audience ever - at one point a guy just shouted SOUSAPHONE!!!!  To this day I often feel like shouting that at bands during breaks between songs. 

Anyway, I just fancied listening to this record again, and when I came downstairs yesterday and Matt was streaming one of the songs it cemented my decision.  

Drinking recommendation?  Biere, du vin, ginebra, aperol - celebrate diversity!"

Okaydoke. Direct download is here, and the HearBeSpoilers stream is below:

See you at 8pm BST (GMT+1)

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