Sunday 26 May 2013

The Listening Club - 26th May 2013

Greetings to you all.

Hope all is fine in your corners of the universe. Amsterdam still hasn't shaken off the spring shower shackles, but is revealing some rather clever natural quirks, as the hundreds of elm trees around the city dispose of their seedy blossoms, leading to dry white "snow" falling pretty much everywhere you go (the locals call it "Iepensneeuw"). It's very pretty, although unfortunately also rather dusty - not something for hay-fever sufferers, for sure...

A small apology is in order also, due to the slow failure of "Old" Tweetdeck, which I've been using, quite a few of the retweets on the twitter account over the last couple of weeks have failed to show up, I've only just noticed. Apologies for the missing information, and to @faberfedor and @monkeytypes who didn't get their info retweeted post-playback. I've settled on using Yoono as a replacement for now, although it's nowhere near as good as OTD. We'll see how we get on...

So yeah, as mentioned above, @monkeytypes was in the hot seat last week, and delivered a fine plateful of distorted emotions courtesy of Sebadoh's "Bubble & Scrape", which despite it's gravitas, was greatly enjoyed by most of the LC mahoosive. Thanks to him for the pick, and for flipping the frisbee to @akx, who is here with the intro...

"Blurb, you say..? Well. This was actually a very spontaneous
choice, and more or less an album I happily re-discovered this week. I realized I'd had it since 2002, and when I re-listened to it just now, I could still remember most of the lyrics. Strange how that works. Anyway... The band (collective?) itself is considered something of a one-hit wonder, so I figure the esteemed members of the Listening Club may not be aware that there's (this much) more to the band than a song about imbibing alcoholic beverages in a Californian city. Also, I'm terrible at writing these blurbs."

Okaydoke! Direct download is here, Mixcloud stream (which may well reveal the track titles) is here.

Search #listeningclub to see what's going on, and follow@listeningclub for the admin.

Hope to see you tonight at 8pm BST/EST (GMT+1)!

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